Your Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Phone #
Name of the animal(s) you are interested in
Address (include city, state, and zip code)
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Do you own or rent the property?
If you checked rent, please provide your landlord's contact information below (first and last name, property management company if applicable, email address and phone number are ALL required).
Why are you interested in adopting this guinea pig(s)?
Do you have any experience with guinea pigs? If yes, please describe your experience level below. If not, please describe how you plan to educate yourself on the species.
Have you ever surrendered a pet to a rescue or shelter / have you ever re-homed your pets to another family?
If you answered yes to the above question, please indicate your reasoning for doing so.
Are you prepared financially in the event that your guinea pig(s) experience a medical emergency at any point? Please note, their average lifespan is 5-8 years.
What is your plan if you cannot afford medical care for the guinea pig(s) at any point?
How much can you budget monthly for your pet's supplies and medical care?
Are you adopting this animal for yourself or as a gift?
As a gift for someone else
If you are adopting with a partner, roommate, or if you still live at home with family, who will keep the guinea pig(s) should you split up/move out?
Please list the first and last names of all adults in the household:
Do you have children living in the household?
If you checked yes, please list ages of all children in the household below:
Are there any major changes planned or expected for your household in the next year?
(i.e. having children, moving homes, family members moving into your home, etc.)
Would this change or any other unexpected situations change your interest, desire, or feasibility to properly care for or own this pet?
Depending on the situation
If answered “yes” or “depending on the situation,” please explain below:
Where will this pet be kept? Please describe in detail where you plan to keep the pet in your house (which room) and what their cage measurements and set up will be like. Make sure to include details regarding what type of bedding, huts, enrichment toys, etc. you plan on having for your pigs. Please email any relevant pictures for us to reference, including a screenshot or link to a cage or enclosure that you intend to buy, if approved.
How often do you plan to clean the cage or enclosure?
What type of diet do you intend on feeding your guinea pig(s)?
Unlimited hay (note: only Timothy Hay should be fed to guinea pigs 6+ months old)
Pellet foods
Fresh greens/veggies/fruits
If you checked off "Unlimited hay" and/or "Pellet foods", please list out the brand/type that you intend on feeding.
If you checked off "Fresh greens/veggies/fruits," if have any specific foods to feed in mind, you can list out here, or we can discuss together once approved.
How will you be adding vitamin C to your guinea pig’s diet? Please note that guinea pigs require vitamin C to be supplemented (through treats or fresh veggies), as they cannot produce vitamin C on their own and can develop scurvy if this vitamin is lacking in their system.
How do you plan to trim your guinea pig’s nails? Would you plan on trimming them on your own or by scheduling a vet appointment to keep up with their maintenance?
Which of the following situations could lead you to give your pet away?
Moving to another state
Having a baby
High expenses/vet bills
Divorce or marriage
Medical issues
Finished school/moving back home
Moving/no pets allowed
Would not rehome for any reason
Significant other or family member does not want the pet
If my other pet(s) do not get along with my new pet
Cleaning/maintenance becoming too much to handle
If you checked "other," please describe below:
If an emergency occurred and you could no longer care for or keep your guinea pig(s) in your home for short-term, long-term, or permanent reasons, including in the event that you passed away in your guinea pig(s) lifetime, what would be your plan of action for the guinea pig(s)? Please include if you have a person or people that would take in your guinea pig(s) and give them a loving home. If so, is this individual(s) aware of this and do they agree to doing so? If not, do you have another plan in place for your pets? Please keep in mind you/your family should contact Foster the Furbabies for assistance as well. Describe plan of action below.
How many hours per day do you plan to spend with your guinea pig? How are you planning to socialize with them?
Would you be willing to inform us of the issue(s) even if they occur down the line, so that we can offer advice in conjunction with your veterinarian?
Do you currently own any pets? If so, please indicate the name of your pet, age, and type of animal (dog, cat, guinea pig, etc.). If any of your current pets listed are guinea pigs, please indicate if they are spayed/neutered or have any known health issues.
Do you have a way to separate (and keep safe) your guinea pig if you have a pet with a strong prey drive? Please describe where the guinea pig(s) will be kept if you are not able to supervise.
What is the name of the exotics specialist vet you intend to use for your guinea pig(s)? Please list the vet practice/hospital name and location.
Do you give us permission to contact your veterinarian if necessary?
If prompted, are you willing to provide us with veterinary records of your pets?
Would you be open to a home check (in-person or virtual) if requested?
Please provide 2 personal references (name, relation, phone number, and email). References cannot be members of the adopter’s household.
How did you hear about us?
Google Search
If someone referred you to our rescue - let us know who!
Are there any other comments or information you would like to include in your application?
I agree that this guinea pig will be an indoor-only pet and will be integrated with the rest of my family. I understand that guinea pigs require time, attention, socialization, enrichment, and love, and I have the time and the intention of providing this to my guinea pig for their entire lifespan.
I agree that I am NOT adopting this guinea pig(s) to breed or to be bred, and that I will NOT willfully and/or knowingly place guinea pigs together of the opposite sex without one of them being spayed or neutered.
I am willing and prepared to bring my guinea pig(s) to a veterinarian for yearly exams or as often as my vet recommends. I am aware that guinea pigs often need their nails trimmed, and may need their teeth shaved down to maintain the consistent growing of their nails and teeth.
I agree to allow the rescue to contact me at any point after the adoption to check-in and follow up on the animal(s) I have adopted, and I agree to respond in a timely manner.
I agree that I will always give permission to allow a Foster the Furbabies team member to contact me before, during, and after the adoption process.
I agree that I will not, under any circumstance, block any phone numbers or social or digital media accounts (including but not limited to: Facebook, Instagram, email addresses, etc.) associated with Foster the Furbabies team members.
If my pet goes missing in any capacity (i.e. ran away from home, ran out of vehicle during travel, ran away from a family/friend/pet sitter’s home, got lost while on vacation, ran away while being supervised outside, was stolen, or in any other matter), I agree to contact Foster the Furbabies within 24 hours so they are aware and can assist in finding the pet(s).
If, for any reason, I am unable to keep my pet(s) at any point in the future OR if I choose to no longer keep my pets for any reason, I agree that I will contact Foster the Furbabies directly to return the pet(s) to the rescue. No matter the circumstance, I will not surrender the animal to any shelter, humane society, or person other than Foster the Furbabies unless first approved by Gabrielle or Gianna Cirucci of Foster the Furbabies.
I will not abandon my pet(s) outdoors, in any home, in any other location, or with any person who did not agree to care for them under any circumstance. If I am found to have abandoned my pet(s), I will be responsible for paying Foster the Furbabies a $2,000.00 fine, may be prosecuted by law and my actions will be considered as a breach of contract where a further complaint may be filed.
If I am adopting a pair of guinea pigs, I will never separate them. I understand that they are meant to be adopted together and stay together.
I will not rehome or give my pet to anyone for gifting purposes. Once I adopt these pets, I will take full responsibility for them for the rest of their lives.
I give Foster the Furbabies permission to contact any references I have listed on my adoption application.
If any of the above information is fraudulent or if I do not follow through with the terms of this contract, I agree to surrender the animal back to Foster the Furbabies at a time and place chosen by Foster the Furbabies.
If we find out that the adopted animal(s) are no longer in your direct care (given away/rehomed/surrendered to another rescue or shelter) without approval from Foster the Furbabies AND/OR if the animal(s) have been abused or neglected, we reserve the right to initiate a surrender of the adopted animal back into the care of Foster the Furbabies immediately. If our communications are ignored, if you block our numbers, if you are unresponsive or if you are not cooperative with any member of Foster the Furbabies in any way (i.e. not surrendering your animal(s) to us, not working with us to make arrangements to surrender your animals, not responded to us in a timely manner, not giving us your address and/or location of the animal(s), or any other uncooperative behaviors(s)), the animal(s) will be considered stolen and we will take legal action in order to get the animal(s) back into our care.
I fully understand the adoption and screening process and have filled this out honestly and to the best of my ability.
I understand that failure to abide by any of the foregoing agreements will constitute a breach of contract.
Please type your name below as an e-signature, indicating that you agree to all terms of the contract. Please understand that your e-signature is binding.